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Talip Küçükcan

Künyesi : Doç. Dr. Lakabı :
Tabakası : 20.Yüzyıl E-Posta : tkucukcan@gmail.com
D.Yeri : D.Tarihi :
Görevi : Akademisyen,Araştırmacı,Öğretim Üyesi Uzm.Alanı : Din Sosyolojisi
Görev Aldığı Kurumlar : İlahiyat Fakültesi (Uludağ Üniv.) Mezuniyet : İlahiyat Fakültesi (Uludağ Üniv.)
Bildiği Diller : İngilizce Mezhebi : İtikad : , Amel : , Ahlak :
Ekleyen : Nurgül Çepni/2009-08-22 Güncelleyen : /0000-00-00

Talip Küçükcan

1986 yılında Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi'nden mezun oldu.

School of Oriental and African Studies 'te (Londra Üniversitesi) Yüksek Lisans (1990),

Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations 'da (Warwick Üniversitesi) The Politics of ethnicity, identity and religion among Turks in London başlıklı teziyle sosyoloji alanında doktora yaptı (1997).

Aynı üniversitede iki yıl süre ile doktora sonrası araştırmalar yaptı.

Centre for Research in International Migration and Ethnic Relations'da (Stockholm Üniversitesi) konuk araştırmacı olarak bulundu.

2002 yılında Genel Sosyoloji alanında doçent ünvanı aldı.

TDV İslam Araştırmaları Merkezi'nde araştırmacı olarak çalıştı.

2008 yılında Marmara Üniv. İlahiyat Fak. Din Sosyolojisi Bölümü’ne geçti.


Politics of Ethnicity, Identity and Religion: Turkish-Muslims in Britain, Avebury: Ashgate, December, 1999

Dogal Afetler ve Din: Marmara Depremi Uzerine Psiko-Sosyolojik Bir Arastirma (Natural Disasters and Religion) (co-authored with Ali Köse), ISAM, Istanbul, 2000

EuroTurks and Turkey-EU Relations: The Dutch Case, (co-authored with V. Gungor), Turkevi Research Centre, Amsterdam, 2006

Turks in Europe: Culture, Identity and Integration, (Editor), Amsterdam: Turkevi Research Centre, Amsterdam, (Forthcoming).


2008 (forthcoming) “Turkish Migrants, Social Capital and Culturalist Discourse in Turkey-EU Relations”, in Dietrich Jung and Catharina Raudvere (eds.), Politics, Religion, and Turkey’s EU Accession, London: Macmillan Press, 2008.

2007 “Bridging the European Union and Turkey: The Turkish Diaspora in Europe”, Insight Turkey, Vol 9, Number 4, pp. 85-99.

2007 “Les Politiques, les Discours Politiques et l’Islamophobie”, in L’Intolerance Et La Discrimination Envers Les Musulmans, Strasbourg: Cojep International, 2007, pp. 149-155.

2007 “Challenges to Political Leadership in Combating Islamophobia”, Muslim Public Affairs Journal, Winter, 2007, pp.75-80.

2006 “Image of Turkey and perception of European Identity Among Euro-Turks in Holland”, Euro Agenda, Year: 5, Issue: 9, No: 2/2006, pp. 225-238 (co-author: Veyis Gungor)

2006 ‘Symbolic Religiosity among the Turkish Youth in Britain’, in Manual Fanzman, Christel Gärtner, Nicole Köck (eds.), Religiösität in der säkularisierten Welt, Wiesbaden: Vs Verlag Für Sozialwissenschaften, 2006, pp. 333-336.

2005 ‘Multidimensional Approach to Religion: a way of looking at religious phenomena’, Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, Number 10, Spring 2005, pp. 60-70.

2004 ‘The Making of Turkish-Muslim Diaspora in Britain: Religious Collective Identity in a Multicultural Public Sphere’, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, Volume 24, No. 2, 2004, pp. 243-258.

2004 ‘Turkey’s Identity Options and the Challenges of Turkey’s EU Relations’, Insight Turkey, Volume 6, Number 3, July-September 2004, pp. 120-125.

2004 ‘Dominant Discourses and Policies of Multicultural European Countries on National Identity and Religion in Public Schools’ in Milan Mesic (ed.), Perspectives of Multiculturalism: Western and Transitional Countries, FF Press & Croatian Commission for UNESCO, Zagreb, pp. 113-123.

2004 ‘State, Islam and Religious Liberty in Modern Turkey: Reconfiguration of Religion in the Public Sphere’, Brigham Young University Law Review, Volume 2003, No: 2, pp. 475-507.

2003 ‘Sites of National Imagery: Imparting the Dominant Culture through Public Education in Europe’, Journal of Economic and Social Research, Volume 4, No: 2, pp. 95-114.

2003 ‘Modes of Belonging: Articulation of Turkish Youth in Diaspora’ in Ayse Lahur Kirtunc, A. Silku, K. W. Rose and M. Erdem (eds.), Selves at Home, Selves in Exile, Proceedings of the Seventh Cultural Symposium, Ege University American Studies Association, ASAT, Ege University, Publication of The Faulty of Letters, Izmir, pp. 39-48.

2002 “Turks in Germany: Between Inclusion and Exclusion”, Turkish Journal of Islamic Studies, No. 7, pp. 97-118.

2002 ‘Looking at Religious Education in Secular National Contexts in Western Europe’, Euro Agenda, Vol. 1, Number 2

2000 ‘Articulating identity and belonging: Turkish students’ perception of cultural and religious differences’ Zeitschrift für Turkeistudien,June, No. 1., pp. 125-136

2000 ‘Can Religiosity be Measured: Dimensions of Religious Commitment’ Special Issue of Annual Review of the Faculty of Divinity, University of Uludag, No. 9, Vol. 9, pp. 461-468.

1999 ‘Ethnicity, Identity and Strategies of Conflict Resolution in a British School: Turkish Pupils in a Comprehensive Public School’, Education et Société Plurilingues, No: 6, Juin, pp. 55-66

1999 ‘Turkish Diaspora in Multicultural Britain’ Zeitschrift für Turkeistudien, 1/99, pp. 123-134

1999 ‘Re-claiming Identity: Ethnicity, Religion and Politics among Turkish Muslims in Bulgaria and Greece’, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, Vol. 19, No: 1, pp. 59-78

1998 ‘Community, Identity and Institutionalization of Islamic Education: The Case of Ikra Primary School in North London’, British Journal of Religious Education, Vol. 21, No.1, pp. 30-41

1998 ‘Continuity and Change: Young Turks in London’ in S. Vertovec & A. Rogers (eds.), Muslim European Youth, Reproducing ethnicity, religion and culture, Ashgate: Aldershot, pp. 103-132

1998 Turkish Diaspora in Europe: A Short Bibliography, Working Paper, Centre for Political and Legal Studies, Coventry

1996 ‘Encountering the Victims of Genocide: Observations of a Traveler’, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, Vol. 16, No: 2, pp. 317-318

1995 ‘Some Reflections on the Wahhabiya and Sanusiya Movements’, Hamdard Islamicus, Vol. 18, N0.2, pp. 67-82

1994 ‘An Analytical Comparison of the Aligarh and the Deobandi Schools’, Islamic Quarterly, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 48-58

1991 ‘Conversion to Islam with Reference to Egypt and Iraq’, Islamic Quarterly, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 225-232

1989 ‘The Nature of Islamic Resurgence in the Near and Middle Eastern Muslim Societies’, Hamdard Islamicus, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 65-104


Editorial Committee Membership

Journal of Civil Society

Euro Agenda

Turkish Journal of Islamic Studies

Encyclopedia of Islam

Insight Turkey (Book Review Editor)